Ecological Protection


Zhaojin Mining to carry out energy conservation publicity week activities

2008 is China's "Eleventh Five-Year" energy-saving emission reduction targets a key year. In order to enhance the concept of ecological civilization, mobilize the community to actively participate in resource-saving and environment-friendly society construction, increase energy conservation propaganda, with the consent of the State Council, scheduled for June 15 to 21, by the National Development and Reform Commission 14 ministries jointly organized the 2008 National Energy Conservation Week. Zhaojin Mining Energy Conservation Week activities are also in full swing.

This year the theme of the National Energy Conservation Week is "according to energy conservation, national action." The past two years, the company's energy-saving emission reduction work has achieved remarkable results, but the situation is still grim, need to take more effective measures to lay the battle of energy-saving emission reduction. During the promotion of energy conservation publicity week, we should focus on propagating the spirit of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on implementing the scientific concept of development, promoting energy conservation and emission reduction, and taking major measures in the light of the current situation. Energy-saving publicity week to the newly revised "Energy Conservation Law" propaganda and implementation as the main line, to the green Olympics, energy-saving products to promote the focus, through the holding of special events, technical exchanges and other forms, in the whole company to promote energy-saving typical experience And advanced practical technology, in recognition of energy-saving work emerged in the advanced units and individuals, investigate and deal with serious waste of energy behavior, and strive to promote a wider range, greater impact, better results, the formation of a more intense energy-saving emission reduction social atmosphere The

The molecular company to strengthen the leadership, the development and implementation of the operational and targeted publicity program. Concentrate on promoting the implementation of the "Energy Conservation Law", universal energy-saving laws and regulations; Combined with the actual unit, conscientiously implement the "three programs" and "three methods" requirements, the establishment of "three systems" to strengthen energy conservation and emission reduction target responsibility assessment and supervision and verification work.

The various subsidiaries to strengthen the leadership and coordination, careful arrangements, the energy-saving publicity activities into the workshop, team. Highlight the theme of energy-saving publicity, to carry out various forms of energy-saving activities, and constantly improve the full sense of resources, energy awareness and environmental awareness.

The various subsidiaries to greet the green Olympics as an opportunity to promote the staff to take practical action for the Green Olympics to contribute. Vigorously carry out energy-saving as the main content, rich and colorful theme activities, to carry out "I offer advice for energy conservation" and other activities to create energy-saving corporate culture. The "Energy Conservation Law" propaganda and implementation as the focus, organizational focus and series of publicity reports. Trade unions to organize workers to carry out "I contribute to energy conservation and emission reduction" activities, the use of various propaganda positions and propaganda means to guide staff based on post, and actively carry out rationalization of the proposed activities.

After the end of the publicity activities, the molecular companies on the energy-saving publicity week activities were carefully summarized, including the future of energy-saving work plans, objectives, measures and so on.