Zhaojin Mining:01818.HK
  • 2013
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
2013 Year
  • Fortune (Chinese version) officially released the list of top 500 Chinese enterpr...
  • Zhaojin Mining was successfully selected into the latest NYSE Arca Gold Miners In...
Aug. 14
2014 Year
  • The 20th West China Investment and Trade Fair was successfully held at Lanzhou In...
  • The first China International Gold Conference, jointly sponsored by the China Gol...
Sep. 10-12
2015 Year
  • The "Capital Leaders of Excellence 2014" awards ceremony was grandly held in Hong...
  • Zhaojin Mining officially announced that it will acquire China's largest single g...
  • The fourth China Finance and Economics Summit was held in Beijing on July 22, 201...
Mar. 10
2016 Year
  • Gansu Zhaojin Smelting was officially identified as a provincial-level technical ...
  • Beijing Oriental Yanjing Engineering Co., Ltd. officially obtaines the national "...
  • Funded by the National Twelfth Five-Year Plan Science and Technology Support Prog...