Zhaojin Mining:01818.HK
Tip-offs Guide

I. Acceptance scope of online tip-offs

1. Tip-offs and complaints about party members and cadres violating the party discipline and the corporate management rules (for details, please refer to the CPC Central Committee’s "Eight Stipulations" and "Six Bans" as well as the relevant provisions of the Group on the construction of party conduct and honest administration).

2. Tip-offs and complaints about party members and cadres suspected of duty crimes and economic crimes.

3. Criticism on the construction of party conduct and honest administration and the work of discipline inspection.

4. Tip-offs and complaints about issues that don’t fall within the above scope or that belong to the above scope but have entered the judicial process will not be accepted.

II. Basic requirements of online tip-offs

1. When submitting tip-offs and complaints, please reflect the facts and clues about the problems to relevant authorities in detail in order to facilitate the verification.

2. Informers should abide by the laws and regulations and shall not harm the state, society and collective interests and other citizens’ legitimate rights and shall consciously maintain the social order and petition order.

3. Informers should reflect problems objectively and truly and be responsible for the authenticity of the materials provided. They shall not insult or slander others, fabricate or distort facts, make false evidence or falsely accuse or frame others. Otherwise, they will be seriously punished in accordance with the relevant provisions. Those who conduct crimes will be transferred to the judiciary organs according to the law.

4. Informers are not allowed to incite, tandem, coerce, induce with money or secretly manipulate others to make tip-offs and complaints or make money in the name of tip-offs and complaints.

5. Advocate signature tip-offs. Especially encourage real-name tip-offs signed with real names and accurate contact modes. Those identified as real-name tip-offs will be handled in priority and replied in time. We will strictly keep confidential the personal information of the informer and prevent any retaliation incidents from occurring.

6. Informers should make tip-offs and complaints on their own so as to facilitate the handling unit to more quickly and effectively handle the tip-offs and complaints.

III. Feedback of tip-offs information

After you reflect a problem, the acceptance status and handling result of your tip-off will be fed back to you via your email address or other contact information left by you. Please check out such feedback in time.

Complaints mailboxes
Please choose to the mailbox to which you want to deliver you complaints. Informers should make tip-offs and complaints on their own so as to facilitate the handling unit to more quickly and effectively handle the tip-offs and complaints. They should not do so in the name of others. Otherwise, their tip-offs and complaints will not be accepted.