Zhaojin Mining:01818.HK
Safety concept: Gold has a price but life is priceless

Zhaojin Mining has always placed safety production in the first place of the production and operation of the company. It invests an average of 140 million yuan in work safety every year to ensure the safety of workers in the production process. The company has achieved safe production without accidents for many years in a row. At present, among the subsidiary production enterprises of the company, four mining enterprises have reached the national class A standardization and others have all reached Class B and C safety production standardization. The company was named "National Safety Culture Construction Model Enterprise" and was rated the safety production advanced unit of Shandong Province for many times.

Environmental concept: Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets

Zhaojin Mining adheres to the environmental policy of “Abide by environmental laws and regulations, prevent the environmental pollution, advocate energy saving and emission reduction, make rational use of resources, focus on continuous improvement, create green mines" and upholds the environmental concept of “Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets”. The company practices the development concept of "Take the company as a star hotel to manage, Take the mining area as an ecological park to build", breaks the traditional economic development model, focuses on the development of circular economy and vigorously promotes the energy saving and emission reduction of mines. It actively applies new technology, new process, new materials and new equipment, keeps improving the production process, strictly implements the "wastes and noise" emission standards, strictly prohibits non-complaint pollution emissions, and strengthens the ecological construction and afforestation of mines. Due to these efforts, it has gradually walked out of a sustainable development path which features high technology, good economic returns, low resource consumption and low environmental pollution. The company's 14 mining enterprises were rated as the national green mine construction pilot units,Three enterprises won the honorary title of national green factory, and one enterprise won the honorary title of provincial green factory.

  • Zhaojin Mining Safety
    Zhaojin Mining Safety
    Improve the safety responsibility system, and consolidate the safety foundation management; Keep innovating the safety training, and improve the safety quality of the whole staff significantly; Highlight the focuses and strengthen governance, and obtain outstanding results in the special correction of safety issues; Strictly strengthen the scene management, and eliminate potential risks more thoroughly; Establish and improve the emergency response system, and comprehensively improve the ability of safety emergency support; The pace of improving safety with science and technology is accelerating, and the level of essential safety has improved significantly; Safety activities are rich and colorful, and the safety culture is pushed forward deeply; Improve the level of informatization, and rely on scientific and technological innovation to strengthen risk control; Use both prevention and control means, and fully implement various occupational health prevention and control measures.
  • Zhaojin Mining environmental protection
    Zhaojin Mining environmental protection
    Standardize the management, operate according to the law, and actively carry out the construction of green mines; Elongate the leading industry chain, and actively promote the emission-free production; Improve the clean production system, and try to strengthen of the whole-process control of the production process; Discharge wastes strictly according to the emission standards so as to reduce their impact on the environment; Strengthen the comprehensive utilization of tailings and the comprehensive management of tailings reservoirs; Pay attention to the ecological construction of mines, and practice the environmental concept.