Zhaojin Mining:01818.HK

Safety Risks And Hazards Control

Time: 2021.06.09 768 Font size:

To implement a comprehensive safety management system,the Group has engaged all employees to participate in risk management as well as conducting work to screen, identify,and control hazards.A Safety Risk and Potential Hazards Control Policy has been formulated to standardize the classification, procedures and methods of the safety production risks management system.Based on the Double Prevention System (i.e. the safety risk classification and hazard management system together with the risk screening,identification and management system),we screen out all potential hazards of the workplace,equipment, facilities, and production activities comprehensively. By identifying the risk factors and evaluating the impact of risks, we determine four risk levels, namely red, orange,yellow and blue grade. In addition, we implement respective management and monitoring measures at mine level, work station level, team level, and position level to carry out risk screening and identification regularly as well as implementing the “Four Levels, One System" risk screening, identification and management plan. The Group sets Dayingezhuang Gold Mine as an example to facilitate a sustainable, effective and safe operation of the Double Prevention System. In addition, we invest to develop a safety risk management platform as well as a mobile phone application to further enhance the effective implementation of the system through the use of technology. By logging in the mobile app, the management level can directly view the details of safety production risks and hazards screening, identification and management in real-time,such that they can supervise and provide directions on safety management.The real-time warning on four risks level in red, orange, yellow and blue grade can allow safe business operation, which guides the Group to continuously improve site safety management.