Zhaojin Mining:01818.HK
Key smelting enterprises
Jinchiling Gold Mine of Zhaojin Mining Industry Co., Ltd.
Jinchiling Gold Mine of Zhaojin Mining Industry Co., Ltd.

Address: North of Zhanghua, Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province

Telephone: +86-535-8221522

Enterprise profile: Jinchiling Gold Mine of Zhaojin Mining Industry Co., Ltd., established in 1966 and located in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province, is a large gold production enterprise which integrates gold mining, mineral processing, gold and silver smelting and integrated recycling into one. It is also a tourism demonstration enterprise of Shandong gold industry. It has created a gold industry tourism system which integrates knowledge, creativity, leisure, participation, display, entertainment, fashion and consumption into one. It has a state key laboratory, a national gold comprehensive utilization demonstration base, a gold history display and other industrial tourist attractions. It is named one of the first national green mines, one of the top five smelting enterprises of the Chinese gold industry and China’s largest gold smelting enterprise. The enterprise now has more than 1,300 employees (including cadres and workers) and a total assets amount of 1.398 billion yuan. The enterprise has a perfect production system and sophisticated technology and processes. It has conventional gold and silver concentrate cyanidation treatment systems and complex arsenic-containing refractory metallurgical gold and silver concentrate treatment systems, etc. At present, it has a total cyanidation production scale of 2200 t/d and can smelt and process 1 million ounces of gold and 200 metric tons of silver a year. More than 10 scientific and technological achievements of the enterprise have won national, provincial and municipal scientific and technological progress awards. Among them, the technical fruit, called "New metallurgical system and industrial development of the catalytic oxidation acid leaching process for the processing of arsenic-containing refractory gold and silver concentrates", independently developed by the enterprise, reaches the international advanced level and has won the First Class Award of Shandong Provincial Science and Technology Progress Awards and the Second Class Award of National Technology Invention Awards. With this technology, the enterprise has built a national key demonstration base project and put it into trial operation. This has opened up a new way for the development and efficient use of China's complex gold resources and filled up China’s vacancy in the technology field.


Over the years, the enterprise has always adhered to the people-oriented principle. It has established the concept of "the development of an enterprise relies on its employees, and the survival of employees relies on the enterprise" and cultivated a corporate culture with the Jinchiling characteristics. At the same time, it has conscientiously implemented the development concept of "innovation, coordination, green, open and sharing”. With scientific management and balanced development, it has gradually improved its industrialization and informationalization levels and creates itself into a digitalized mine. The enterprise has subsequently won many honors, such as "Enterprise of Observing Contracts and Valuing Credit" and "National Excellent Unit in Equipment Management ". It is the first enterprise in the Chinese gold industry to pass the ISO9001-2000 international quality system certification and is the first enterprise in the Chinese metallurgical industry to pass the 0SHAS18001 occupational safety and health management system certification. Meanwhile, it has established and operated the ISO14001 international environmental management system.

Gansu Zhaojin Precious Metal Smelting Co., Ltd.
Gansu Zhaojin Precious Metal Smelting Co., Ltd.

Address: Zhongpu Circular Economy Industrial Park, Lintao County, Dingxi City, Gansu Province

Telephone: +86-932-2286396

Enterprise profile: Gansu Zhaojin Precious Metal Smelting Co., Ltd., located in Lintao County, Gansu Province, was established in December 2012. The refractory gold concentrate processing plant of Gansu Zhaojin Precious Metal Smelting Co., Ltd. was a key investment project solicited by Lintao County in 2012. It is the only gold smelter in Gansu province to deal with arsenic-containing and antimony-containing complex gold concentrates. The project has a total design scale of 1000 t/d, an area of 29.3 ha and a total investment of 2 billion yuan. Phase I of the project has a scale of 400 t/d and started construction in April 2013 and went into operation in August 2014. A total of 1.16 billion yuan has been invested into the project. After the whole project is completed, it can produce 5000 kg of gold, 1500 kg of silver, 3500 metric tons of metal antimony and 100,000 metric tons of sulfuric acid a year and can achieve the output value of nearly 1.5 billion yuan a year and a pre-tax profit of 150 million yuan a year. 


Under the strong support and help of the Group’s headquarters and the local governments at all levels, Gansu Zhaojin Precious Metal Smelting Co., Ltd. has closely followed the state policies in the precious metal smelting industry, introduced international advanced production technology and maximized the use of resources. It has become a comprehensive smelting enterprise which recovers gold, silver, antimony, iron, sulfur and other elements. It has unique technology, high adaptability, safety and environmental friendliness and other characteristics. It is also a high-tech project which features "resource conversion, comprehensive recycling, circular economy, energy saving and emission reduction". At present, the company has been named "High-Tech Enterprise of Gansu Province" and “Gansu Provincial Enterprise Technology Center".


The project uses three core technologies. First, it uses China’s advanced two-stage circulating sulfurization roasting process to remove sulfur and arsenic and to reduce and control the damage and pollution caused by resources on the environment and to improve the recovery rate of gold; second, it uses China’s leading wet-process alkali leaching electrodeposition process to recycle valuable antimony metal which can affect the recovery of gold; third, it uses China’s advanced chlorination roasting process to comprehensively recover gold, silver, copper, iron and other metals in the tailings to maximize the use of mineral resources. The workshops using the first two technologies were put into operation in August 2014. The chlorination roasting workshop started construction in April 2015 and was completed and put into operation in March 2016. All its indicators have now reached the design standard.


As a gold smelting enterprise, Gansu Zhaojin Precious Metal Smelting Co., Ltd. has always taken “Adhere to technological innovation, Promote energy conservation and emission reduction” as the corporate development concept and regarded “Build ecological civilization, Go on the road of developing the enterprise with science and technology” as the company’s guiding ideology. First, the company tries to build itself into a green, eco-friendly enterprise, adheres to the environmental concept of “Afforestation is more important than making profits”, strengthens the staff’s awareness in environmental protection, energy conservation and emission reduction and turns wastes into treasures. Waste gases are turned unto sulfuric acid through the advanced sulfur acid production technology; wastewater is recycled through the wastewater treatment and achieves zero emissions; and waste solids, such as slag, are used as a cement additive. Through these efforts, the company achieves the virtuous circle between the development of resources and the protection of the eco-environment. Secondly, with the scientific and technological innovation as the guide, the company vigorously promotes scientific and technological progress; it focuses on comprehensively enhancing its technological innovation capacity and tries to make the rational use of mineral resources and to develop the resource industry with the concept of circular economy, so as to turn Gansu province’s resource advantages into economic advantages as soon as possible. Thirdly, by upholding the corporate spirit of "Practicality, Innovation, Dedication, Integrity" and the development concept of "Pursue excellence every minute, Surpass self every day", the company tries to build itself into a modern enterprise with "first-class management, first-class technology, first-class efficiency" to make greater contributions to the economic development of Lintao County.

Key mining enterprises
Xiadian Gold Mine of Zhaojin Mining Industry Co., Ltd.
Xiadian Gold Mine of Zhaojin Mining Industry Co., Ltd.
Address: North of Xizhixia Village, Xiadian Town, Zhaoyuan City, Yantai, Shandong Province

Enterprise profile: Xiadian Gold Mine of Zhaojin Mining Industry Co., Ltd. is located at the junction of Zhaoyuan, Laixi and Pingdu counties. The gold mine is near to Huangshui Highway on the east and has convenient transportation conditions and picturesque scenery. It is mainly engaged in gold ore mining and beneficiation, and its final product is the gold concentrate. It currently has nearly 1,000 employees and a mining area of 86.47 square kilometers.


The mine began construction in 1981 and was completed and put into operation in 1984. Through more than 30 years of arduous work, it has grown from an unknown small enterprise with a merely 100 t/d daily gold ore capacity to one of China’s top 10 gold mines, having a daily gold ore capacity of more than 4000 t/d. It has now embarked on the science & technology-driven growth road which features "mechanization of underground production, digitalization of ore dressing and production, and informationalization of safety management". For four consecutive years, the mine has been named one of "China’s Top 10 Profitable Gold Mines" and "China’s Top 10 Gold Production Mines" by the China Gold Association (CGA). It has also subsequently won many other honors, such as "Class A Enterprise in Non-Coal Mine Safety Standardization", "National Advanced Mining Enterprise in Development and Utilization of Mineral Resources", "National Green Mine" and "Shandong Provincial Star Enterprise by Chinese Patents".


Facing the future, Xiadian Gold Mine puts forward a more ambitious goal. In 2017, with ensuring safety and environmental friendliness as the prerequisite, promoting reform and innovation as the starting point and reinforcing the management and internal control as the basis, the mine will strictly implement various cost reduction measures, make persistent efforts to forge ahead and work hard to promote the safe and healthy development of Xiadian Gold Mine and to achieve the revitalization and development of Zhaojin Mining!

Dayingezhuang Gold Mine of Zhaojin Mining Industry Co., Ltd.
Dayingezhuang Gold Mine of Zhaojin Mining Industry Co., Ltd.
Address: North of Dayingezhuang Village, Qishan Town, Zhaoyuan City, Yantai, Shandong Province

Enterprise profile: Dayingezhuang Gold Mine of Zhaojin Mining Industry Co., Ltd. is located in Qishan Town, 18 kilometers south of the city of Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province. The gold mine started construction in December 1987 and was completed and put into operation in October 1991. It now has 1.36 billion yuan in fixed assets and employees 800 people. Its gold ore production scale has grown from the initial 350 t/d to the current 3450 t/d. As of 2015, it has had an accumulated gold production of 1.088 million ounces (34 metric tons). Its main product is the gold concentrate. The mine emphasizes the construction of “Three Civilizations”, adheres to the people-oriented principle and units all available internal and external forces to promote the construction of the corporate culture. The mine has been named "Star Enterprise of China Gold Industry", “Informationalization Demonstration Enterprise of Shandong Manufacturing Industry”, "Workers Pioneer of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions" and "Provincial-level Garden-Style Enterprise" and has won many other honors. In 2012, it was named "Class A Enterprise in Safety Standardization" by the State General Administration of Work Safety. It has passed the quality, environment and occupational health & safety management system certifications.


In recent years, the gold mine has put forward the guiding ideology of "taking safety production as the guarantee, taking economic efficiency as the center, taking the construction of key projects as the base, taking the quality improvement of the whole staff as the total starting point, and taking the construction of a harmonious enterprise as the overall goal" to provide assurance for the substantial increase of its gold production; it has deepened the reform of the cadre and personnel system, actively promoted the integration of corporate resources and consolidated the basis of the enterprise’s development; it has strengthened cost management and established and improved a comprehensive indicator assessment system; it has comprehensively strengthened the enterprise environment construction and strived to create a harmonious development atmosphere. In 2015, it began to implement the whole excellent production assurance system and gradually realized the fine management of the whole mine’s equipment to create a first-class lean management model.


In the past three decades, the cadres and workers of the whole mine have carried forward the corporate spirit of “Pioneering, Innovation, Practicality, Hard Work”. Relying on their own hard work and wisdom, they have walked out of a unique development road on this piece of gold land endowed by nature.

Gansu Hezuo Zaozigou Gold Mine Co., Ltd.
Gansu Hezuo Zaozigou Gold Mine Co., Ltd.
Address: No. 75 People's East Street, Hezuo City, Gannan Prefecture, Gansu Province (inside Lingpu building materials market)

Enterprise profile: Gansu Hezuo Zaozigou Gold Mine Co., Ltd. (“Zaozigou Gold Mine” for short) is located in Huangkeyihe Natural Village, Zaozi Administrative Village, Nawu Township, Hezuo City, Gannan Prefecture, Gansu Province. It is about 11km from the city of Hezuo and has convenient transportation conditions. It is surrounded by mountains and waters and has fresh air. It is located in the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and has an elevation of 2950m ~ 3300m and a relative height difference of 350m. It belongs to the low and medium-mountain landscape and has a mining area of 2.5311km ².


Zaozigou Gold Mine was first established in 1997. The mine has a daily gold ore mining and dressing capacity of 2000 t/d and an annual gold ore handling capacity of 600,000 t/a and is a large rock gold mine. It is a comprehensive enterprise which integrates exploration, mining and mineral processing into one and is engaged in the development of the gold industry. Its main product is the gold concentrate. At present, it has a total of more than 440 workers, including both Tibetan and Han workers.


At present, the company is one of the first batch of Level two enterprises since the new safety and quality standardization was implemented in Gansu Province; it is also one of the second batch of national green mining pilot enterprises, one of national mine resource conservation and comprehensive utilization demonstration enterprises and one of Gansu Province’s five non-coal mine emergency rescue centers; it is the advanced unit of the Chinese gold industry and one of the 10 most profitable gold mines in China. Since its reorganization, the company has always taken the corporate spirit of "Practicality, Honesty, Innovation, Dedication" as the direction of progress, the value concept of “Develop self, Create Value, Return Shareholders, Benefit the Society" as the goal and the safety concept of “Gold has a price but life is priceless" as the assurance of enterprise development. The company upholds the eco-environmental concept of "Afforestation is more important than making profits" and always adheres to the "people-oriented, balanced management" scientific management concept. It has attached great importance to the training and development of the staff and has developed a series staff incentives and promotion system to provide a broad space and platform for the career development of the staff. "Find talent, cultivate talent, use talent" is the core of the company's human resources management. The company perfects and improves all kinds of rules and regulations, build the corporate image, enhance the corporate quality, create harmonious enterprise-government relations and cadre-worker relations, create a relaxed production and living environment and improve the quality of the staff, so that the company can embark on a safe, environmentally friendly, green and harmonious development path.

Jiashi County Tonghui Mining Co., Ltd.
Jiashi County Tonghui Mining Co., Ltd.
Address: Baishitamu, Xikeer Town, Jiashi County, Kashgar, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (at the 1338km point of No. 314 State Road)

Enterprise profile: Jiashi County Tonghui Mining Co., Ltd. (“Tonghui Mining” for short) is a medium-sized non-ferrous mining enterprise which integrates the mining and dressing of copper ore into one. Currently, it has more than 1,000 employees and an annual mining capacity of 500,000 t/a. Its main product is the copper concentrate powder. It has a total assets amount of 1.09 billion yuan, a total installed capacity of 14200kW and a mining area of 47.05 square kilometers. The mine now has more than 6 million metric tons of copper ore reserves.


Tonghui Mining adheres to technology leadership and management innovation and keeps enhancing the technology advantage and cost advantage of the company in the field of copper ore mining and dressing and copper production, so that the company’s efficiency rises year after year. The company has always implemented the eco-environmental concept of "Afforestation is more important than making profits", deeply carried out the application of new technology, new process, new materials and new equipment and established six underground safe and risk-avoiding systems. The company has passed the certification of ISO9001 quality management system, ISO14001 environmental management system, OHS18001 occupational health and safety management system and ISO50001 energy management system.


During the "12th Five-Year Plan" period (2011-2015), Tonghui Mining was named the informationalization-industrialization integration demonstration enterprise of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and was granted a special fund from the 2016 energy-saving and emission-reduction project of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. It was named "Advanced Mine in the Development and Integration of Mineral Resources" by the Chinese Ministry of Land and Resource. It was also named "National Safety Culture Construction Demonstration Enterprise" by the State Administration of Work Safety. In 2015, Tonghui Mining became China’s first mining enterprise whose underground mines, tailings reservoirs and concentrating mills all meet Level 1 standard of "Metal and Non-Metallic Mine Safety Production Standardization”. The mining technology, called “Key technology for the safe and efficient mining of soft, fractured and refractory orebodies through filling paste into them", jointly developed by Tonghui Mining and Beijing University of Science and Technology won the First Class Award of the Scientific and Technological Progress Awards of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in 2016.  This technology is in line with the national energy saving and emission reduction policy and thus has good social and environmental benefits. Through the overall upgrade in ore mining and dressing and other aspects, Tonghui Mining has gradually built itself into a green modern mining enterprise without waste emissions.